
Rose with Engagement Ring, Image (c) Dena Rosko
We dated for 8 years through college and through developing our careers, and for the bride-to-be, a time of healing. These years were a time of transition for us, a time that required patience and understanding. Even so, life is not always simply one thing, and these years held their merit and value. We don't recommend long engagements, but do recommend knowing what you're doing and why! It's nice to have a history!
January 2005, Our Engagement
We understand love as a decision, and life-long love and devotion require trust. Greeks called their engagement rings betrothal rings. Betroth means truth (Anglo-Saxen "troweth"). Engagement rings pledge truth:  True love, true friendship, and true devotion.

To be true to our hearts, to be true to God's plan for us, we decided that there was no one else with whom we desired to share our lives. We have heard it said, "Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry someone you can't live without."

We prescribe to this in wanting our relationship to be more fulfilling than functional, knowing that genuine love needs full commitment.

"Do you want to make some memories?" James asked.

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!" I answered.
Thus, we were engaged on January 15, 2005.

Us, October 2005, Image (c) GHKim Photography

Trust in the LORD,
and do good;
dwell in the land,
and enjoy faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the LORD;
and he will give you
the desires of your heart.
And he will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your judgment as the noonday.
Rest in the LORD,
and wait patiently for him...
~ Psalm 37.3-7